BCI NET Dec 94.iso
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Citadel-86: V3.41
Copyright 1989 - 1991
by Hue, Jr.
C-86 Test System Sysop
Table of Contents
I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
I.1 History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
I.2 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
II. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
III. Information Transfer Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
III.1 Call Stabilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
III.2 Transfer Medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
IV. Application Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
IV.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
IV.2 ID & Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
IV.3 Facility Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
IV.4 Message & File Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
IV.5 Network Session Control Facilities . . . . . . . . . 9
IV.5.a Hangup command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
IV.5.b Error Code Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
IV.5.c Role Reversal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
IV.6 Data Transfer Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
IV.6.a Normal Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
IV.6.b Room File Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
IV.6.c Ambiguous Room File Requests . . . . . . . . . . 11
IV.6.d Ambiguous Room File Requests With Approval . . . 11
IV.6.e Network Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
IV.6.f Check Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
IV.6.g Send File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
IV.6.h Alternate Room Sharing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
IV.6.i Message Compaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
IV.6.j Route Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
IV.6.k Mass Transfers
IV.7 ITL Alternate Realities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
IV.8 Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
IV.8.a System Net Password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
IV.9 Other Reserved Facility Byte Values . . . . . . . . . 15
IV.10 Facilities -- Short List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
V. Minimal Compatability Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
VI. Anytime Netting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
VII. Message Transfer Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
VII.1 Field types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
VII.1.a Displayable fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
VII.1.b Non-Displayable fields . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
VII.1.c Special Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
VII.1.d Developer's Fields Assignments . . . . . . . . 20
VII.2 Special Fields becoming Standard Fields . . . . . 20
VII.3 Other Additions to the Standard Fields . . . . . . 21
VII.4 Identifier Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
VII.5 An Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Appendix A. Examples! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
A.1 Call Stabilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
A.2 ID & Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
A.3 Normal Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
A.4 Ambiguous Room File Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
A.5 Network Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
A.6 Check Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
A.7 Send File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
A.8 Alternate Room Sharing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Appendix B. BBS Software compatible with C86Net . . . . . . . 26
Appendix C. Main C86Net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
I. Introduction
This document attempts to detail, in a haphazard manner, the network
known as C86Net. C86Net is a BBS network protocol currently used by
Citadel-86 (for Z100s and PClones), NeoCitadel (PClones), STadel (Atari
STs), Amiga Citadel-68K (Amigas), Novucivitas, Asgard-86, and others.
I.1 History
The original motivations for C86Net were two-fold: to provide an
interesting project exploring a topic the author had never studied
before, and to (ultimately) allow the sysops of Citadel-86s in the Twin
Cities area of Minnesota (aka Minneapolis/St. Paul) to communicate with
each other without having to call each other's boards; the number of
Citadels in the area was beginning to escalate, making it impossible
for gainfully employed sysops to talk conveniently.
The first version of C86Net came into being in June of 1985, and is
better left unmentioned. After learning from his mistakes and discussing
the entire project with John Stanley, a second version was attempted and
installed in all local Citadel-86s. This, too, was a ghastly mistake,
but enough lessons were learned so the third version of C86Net could
be constructed in an expandable fashion allowing easy backward
compatability as the network facilities were expanded. The installation
of the second and third versions mandated this ability: updating an
entire set of systems simultaneously is a nightmarish situation.
The history of C86Net since then has consisted of two events: the
addition of new facilities as new needs were identified, and the
integration of non-Citadel-86 systems to C86Net networks.
The exact chronology of adding facilities is not going to be detailed
here; it would be both tedious and useless. However, the astute reader
will note several anomolies and redundancies in the facilities. Be
advised this is what happens when the author is programming for both
learning and fun; another term is "programming by accretion."
The first non-Citadel-86 system to join a C86Net was NeoCitadel, by
Hue, Sr., which started by supporting Net Mail. Then a valiant, notable
effort was made by Lum the Mad, author of Lumadel, a very good Citadel
clone for the Apple II series of computers. His networker, written in
Apple Basic, actually managed to communicate during several manual tests
with a Citadel-86. However, an automated networker was never completed,
and Lumadel languished after Lum bought an IBM clone.
Some Other BBS software compatible with C86Net includes Amiga
Citadel-68K as ported by Stallion aka Jay Johnson, and STadel as ported by
David Parsons, both ports of Citadel-86, as well as Asgard-86 by Gary
Meadows and Novucivitas by Brent Barrett, both of Sacramento, CA, and
Fortress, a port of STadel, by Chris Camacho of Atlanta, GA. This is not
a complete list. See Appendix B for more detail.
I.2 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to detail C86Net at the byte level.
We will only talk about how the protocol should react to each condition.
We are not going to discuss what each facility "should" be used for,
although suggestions may be advanced, and most should be fairly obvious.
If you only have a headache when you're done reading this, count
yourself lucky. The author will probably know what a year's worth of PMS
is like.
II. Overview
Just about any networking textbook will tell you most networks
can be divided into some set of layers (an example, the ISO Standard, is
fairly well explained in Computer Networks by Tannenbaum), and the
Citadel-86 Networking protocol is not an exception, in concept. (NOTE:
no attempt is going to be made to use network terminology currently in
use by network experts. Instead, the terminology I'll use will be what
I think best describes the subject matter. As such, this document's
terminology may change from revision to revision as people discuss and
argue with me about it.) Familiarity with such a textbook (or, better
yet, a real network implementation) is certainly suggested (unless you
have masochistic tendencies, like I did).
The protocol seems to break down into just two layers. The first can
be termed the "information transfer" layer, or the "link" layer; the
second can be described as the "application" layer.
| Application Layer | - - - - - - - - -
| |\ Another _____\
This node \| | node /
| Information Transfer | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Layer |
The purpose of the Information Transfer Layer is to ensure (to the
extent possible) all information be conveyed from and to this system's
Application Layer from another system's Application Layer actually
succeeds in transmission.
The purpose of the Application Layer is to accomplish useful work
during a networking session with another node.
It should be apparent that the Application Layer is dependent on the
Information Transfer Layer. Despite this dependency, most of this
document is dedicated to the Application Layer and its facilities,
since the Information Transfer Layer is very simple (not necessarily a
good sign).
Whenever the acronym "ITL" is used, assume it means Information
Transfer Layer; similarly, the "AL" refers to the Application Layer.
III. Information Transfer Layer
As mentioned, the ITL's purpose is to provide a stable communications
The keyword here is "stable". In order to achieve this, several goals
must be accomplished during any given networking session in order for
overall success to be achieved, and these can be broken into two parts.
The first part is called "Call Stabilization." This part of the ITL
has the goal of establishing stabilization. The section on Call
Stabilization will detail some of the problems associated with
Call Stabilization.
The second part is the provision of a transfer medium. In this
section, it is best to remember that looking at C86Net from a layer
viewpoint does not mean C86Net was built as a reflection of some
layer model. This should lessen confusion.
III.1 Call Stabilization
The purpose of this process is to establish quickly and efficiently
that the caller is another system on the net wishing to engage in a
networking session. The design of call stabilization was driven by whim,
a wish for efficiency, and experience with earlier versions of C86Net.
The problems consist of, first, users calling in during networking.
Call Stabilization is designed to stave off the fumblings of an honest
user who simply doesn't realize the networker is in effect by
forcing a "recognition code" to be given that would be difficult for a
casual user to generate.
The second (and last) problem comes from the machines the network
was originally implemented on, which are Z-100s and IBMs using MS-DOS.
During the last few years the marketplace has literally been bombarded by
modems capable of multiple baud rates (300, 1200, 2400, and now 9600
looms on the scene), and can signal to the host system what the connect
baud rate is.
The modems can typically have two methods of signaling the connect
baud rate: by sending a unique text string to the host at the serial port
baud rate, and via signals on the RS232 interface.
Unfortunately, within my experience the use of the text strings for
divining baud rate is not completely reliable; and, ridiculously, both
IBM and Zenith completely neglected to make available the RS232 signals
on their serial ports that would have allowed the programmer to discover
the connect baud rate, with the exception of some internal modems on the
Therefore, Call Stabilization must allow some way for effective baud
rate connect detection to occur. The Call Stabilization technique
currently in use does not seem to be too bad in achieving the objectives.
Here is the process (sort of) graphically, right after carrier detect:
Caller | Receiver
------ | --------
Systems detect carrier
Wait for full second | Wait for full second
Send following 3 bytes: | Begin waiting for the
7 | following three bytes:
13 | 7
69 | 13
and wait 4 seconds. | 69
If have not received a | After the 4 second
correct response (see | response wait, the
Receiver column), then | Receiver can switch
resend the above 3 bytes. | bauds if necessary.
This looping process should | If get the above 3
only be repeated 20 times. | bytes, then respond
If, on the 20th try, still | instantly with:
have not received a correct | ~7
response, HANGUP. | ~13
If have received a correct | ~69
response, send an ACK. | and then wait for an
| ACK. This should end
Call Stabilization.
So, essentially, the caller waits a second, and then sends a 3 byte
sequence to the receiver. When the receiver receives those 3 bytes
successfully, it replies with the logical negation of those 3 bytes. The
caller then sends an ACK back, indicating the call is stabilized.
If the protocol fails 20 times, then the caller hangs up, assuming
something was wrong.
The 7-13-69 sequence only has significance in that a casual user
probably won't generate it accidentally.
III.2 Transfer Medium
The purpose of this part of the ITL is to provide a stable means of
transporting information to and from the other half of the networking
Take it as a caveat that this is neither "clean" or "elegant" by
any stretch of the imagination. Just take a deep breath and start
reading (particularly if you're a networking professional!). Also, this
is going to be difficult, seeing as I have troubles explaining it
coherently myself. However, considering the fact that adding new
facilities to the Applications Layer has been simple as of late, I must
assume SOMETHING is being done right here.
The Transfer Medium takes some stream of information and attempts to
transfer it to another system. As such, it is under strategic control of
the Application Layer in terms of when to start and when to stop; another
way to explain it is the Application Layer will tell it to start
sending some stream of data, will tell it to stop sending, will tell it
to receive information from the other system, etc. Details of when to
send, when to receive, etc., are contained in the sections on the
Application Layer, and will not be treated further in this section.
One of the responsibilities of the Transfer Medium is to place no
interpretation on the data stream; the Transfer Medium only takes the
data and sends it to the other system's Transfer Medium, or receives the
data and sends it "up" to the Application Layer of the host system. The
Application Layers involved make decisions as to what is to be done with
the data.
So, what is the structure of the ITL Transfer Medium? Currently,
the systems have four choices. First, there is Ward Christiansen's
XMODEM protocol, which is the default and is always used during the
initial phases of a network session (and is, therefore, the required
transfer medium). Citadel-86 usually uses XMODEM-checksum for transfers,
but XMODEM-CRC should function just as well, although due to the
handshaking overhead, the network may suffer performance degradation
when conversing with systems not supporting XMODEM-CRC.
The other three transfer medium choices are YMODEM (single mode),
WXMODEM, and ZMODEM. Activation of the alternatives is covered in Section
At the risk of confusing the readers, let's hop ahead and state
the AL uses the ITL to transfer Facility Requests to and from nodes,
sending each Facility Request when needed. Each Request is, or should
be, treated by the ITL as a separate file. Therefore, the ITL should
send, or receive, each Request as a new file (where it stores it is an
implementation detail), with a new block 1, etc. We'll try to provide
details at the end of this document.
IV. Application Layer
The Application Layer (AL), via the ITL, manages all of the work
to take place during a network session.
IV.1 Overview
The following diagram graphically demonstrates the flow of control
during a C86Net network session. Assume, of course, this is a
minimal diagram. The references to the ITL are provided for completeness'
sake and context.
| CALL | ITL Territory
| STABILIZATION | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
----------------- /
| / AL Territory
_ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ _/
| ____________________<___________
| | |
---------------- ---------------- ------------ ^
| CALLER SENDS |_>___| CALLER SENDS |___>_| RECEIVER |___>__|
---------------- ---------------- ------------ \|/
| |
| |
| --------------
| | TELLS |
^ | CALLER |
| --------------
| |
| |
| UNLESS COMMAND IS ----------------
_____________<__________| DO SPECIFIED |
Call Stabilization has already been covered (III.1), so we shan't
speak of it further. The diagram can be summarized as: caller identifies
itself, and then begins sending a sequence of Facility Requests. Each
Request is dealt with by the receiver as received, and implies some set
of actions both systems are aware of. Each Request's actions are
detailed in this document.
IV.2 ID & Name
After receiving the ACK indicating end of Call Stabilization, the
calling system must identify itself to the receiver. The caller sends,
in this order, nodeId & nodeName to the Transfer Medium, telling it to
send them to the receiver.
nodeId, nodeName: Are normal null-terminated C strings.
Neither the nodeId nor nodeName may exceed 20 bytes in length
(including the null byte terminating each string); therefore, the total
bytes of significant data the AL must deal with should not exceed 40.
This also implies the ITL should not send more than a sector
(128 bytes) worth of data.
So, for example, let's say a system using the nodeName "Buffalo"
and with a nodeId of "US 612 477 0927" calls some other system. After
the WC session was over, the receiver's buffer or temporary file would
look like this
Id name
US 612 477 0927<0>Buffalo<0> <-balance of the sector is trash->
IV.3 Facility Requests
After the caller identifies itself, the two systems go into a loop.
Each loop starts with the Caller sending a Facility Request. A Facility
Request at the AL layer consists of at least one byte, which contains a
code indicating the Facility requested, and up to four optional
parameters which are used to convey other data required for the Facility.
Each of these parameters are normal C null-terminated strings, and none
may exceed more than 20 bytes in length, including the ending null byte;
they may be smaller if the entire 20 bytes is not needed. The last of
the optional parameters, be there 0 or 4 of them, is always followed by a
0 byte. A Facility Request not requiring any parameters would look like
this at the Application Layer:
and a Facility Request needing two parameters would look like this:
At the ITL level, the Facility Request byte comes first, followed by
each parameter; the rest of the sector is trash.
The receiver, on receipt of the facility request, must decide if it
can execute the facility requested by the caller. If so, the receiver
just sends back one byte, called GOOD, and then the network session
proceeds along the lines implied by the facility. If the receiver cannot
execute the facility requested, it sends back a byte called BAD followed
by a null-terminated string < 126 characters which explains why the
facility cannot be executed.
<Bad><error string>
The actual values of GOOD and BAD are
BAD: 0
Section IV.5 through IV.9 detail all facilities currently supported by
Citadel-86 in C86Net, plus some proposed facilities.
IV.4 Message & File Transfer
When "transfer of messages" is mentioned below, we mean a series of 0
or more messages are to be sent from one system to the other. When the
number of messages is 0, then it is not necessary to do more than start
and stop the ITL, which should be interpreted by the system receiving the
0 messages to mean 0 messages were received.
When one or more messages are being sent, each should be in the format
detailed in Section VII.
When more than one message is being sent, there should be no separator
between messages, due to the format messages are sent in. Because
of the current character of the ITL, networking leaves us with
last sectors of which zero or more bytes will be trash. Therefore, when
transferring messages, the balance of the last sector which has no meaning
can either be ^Z filled (vis a vis XMODEM rules) or space-filled.
A file transfer implies one or more files are being sent. There
is no data transformations applied to files at the AL layer, i.e., they
are sent (conceptually) byte by byte to the ITL for transfer. The ITL,
being what it is, does not currently perform any transformations. In the
future it may, but the ITL has the responsibility of ensuring
transformations inserted by the ITL are taken out before termination of
the ITL.
Really, this may sound bad, but it's very easy. "Clean up after
IV.5 Network Session Control Facilities
These facilities are used to control the overall behavior of a network
IV.5.a Hangup command
This facility is a simple 1-byte command telling the receiver to
hang up. Unfortunately, the behavior of the receiver for this facility
depends on the state of the network session. If this facility is used
while Role Reversal is active, then it signals the end of the Role
Reversal facility, and the receiver should send back a GOOD byte (see
Section IV.5.c).
If this Facility is requested when the session is not indulging in
a Role Reversal, then the receiver does NOT send back either a GOOD or
BAD byte. Instead, it just hangs up (i.e., terminates the Network
The value of the Hangup byte is 0.
IV.5.b Error Code Support
This Request asks the receiver if his system can transmit Error Code
responses to Requests. This Request must be exercised and accepted as
GOOD before the receiver can use the Error Code response instead of the
BAD response when reporting his ability to support a particular facility
The value of the Error Code Support byte is 200.
Citadel-86 does not currently support this facility.
IV.5.c Role Reversal
In order to make networking more efficient in nets using room
sharing concepts, it has become a necessity to allow "role reversal"
during the networking period. The term "role reversal" means during
the period of a call, two systems, supposing they are adequately
equipped, may exchange their roles of "caller" and "receiver", and then
continue to network, with the real receiver now becoming the "caller",
and vice versa. All services should be supported under role reversal.
When role reversal is agreed upon by the two systems (this is defined
to be the point at which the receiver has replied GOOD to the caller),
the two systems now switch roles. The caller, who has now become the
receiver, now starts waiting for the first facility request from the
receiver, who has now become the caller.
The caller and receiver should, of course, be aware of who is who;
this is why the stage of CALLER SENDS NAME & ID is skipped during role
The end of role reversal is signaled by the original receiver (now the
caller) by sending the HANGUP command. The original caller (now the
receiver) acknowledges this (reply GOOD), and at this point, the two
again reverse roles. Note that the HANGUP command has been modified in
this one contextual instance to act differently from its normal behavior.
The value of the Role Reveral byte is 201.
IV.6 Data Transfer Facilities
These facilities support transfer of various sorts of data between
IV.6.a Normal Mail
This facility is a parameterless facility which is designed to allow
transfer of Mail> from the transmitter to the receiver. If the receiver
signals it can receive Mail>, then the transmitter should begin
transmitting all Mail messages destined for the receiver via the ITL.
The value of the Normal Mail byte is 1.
IV.6.b Room File Requests
This facility is used to request one file from the receiver. It has
two parameters, the name of the room the file is located in
(parameter 1), and the name of the file to be transferred (parameter 2).
If the receiver is willing to transfer the specified file to the
transmitter, it should send back a GOOD byte, and then tell the ITL to
send the file to the transmitter, which should be ready to receive the
If the receiver will not or can not satisfy the request, then it should
return a BAD byte. The reasons for not satisfying this request are, of
course, implementation dependent, but they can include such reasons as
non-existence of room, non-existence of file, sheer peevishness, etc.
This facility is an anachronism, retained for backward compatability.
The facility Ambiguous Room File Requests is a better choice.
The value of the Room File Request byte is 2.
IV.6.c Ambiguous Room File Requests
This facility is an expansion of IV.6.b, and very similar to it. It,
too, has two parameters, the first the name of the room and the second
the name of the file requested. However, the second parameter can safely
be used to specify an ambiguous set of files if the user so chooses.
If the receiver consents to send the requested files to the
transmitter, then it should send back a GOOD byte. At this point, the
procedure diverges from used in IV.6.b. For each file to be sent to
the transmitter by the receiver, it first sends via the ITL two strings
(null-terminated), which, in order, are the name of the file, and the
size of the file in 128 byte sectors. If the file SEX.ED was 12877 bytes
long, the receiver would send
These two strings constitute in themselves a separate transfer; in ITL
terms this means a separate XMODEM transfer, as if we were sending a
single file just ahead of the real file.
The transmitter does nothing but receive these pairs for each file
it will receive. When the receiver has no more files to send satisfying
the request for files, it sends one more of the pre-file headers,
in which the length of the file name is 0. This indicates the end of this
The value of the Ambiguous Room File Request byte is 3.
IV.6.d Ambiguous Room File Requests With Approval
This is a non-implemented facility, which is not yet completely
The value of the Ambiguous Room File Request With Approval byte is 4.
IV.6.e Network Room
This facility is used to send 0 or more messages from one system to
another for a specified room. The room these messages are coming
from is the sole parameter of this facility. If the receiver is willing
to accept the messages for delivery to the room on the receiver's system,
it replies GOOD to the caller, and then begins data transfer of the
messages in the same manner as it would for Mail transfer. It it does
not wish to accept the messages (for whatever reason) from the caller, it
then replies BAD.
The value of the Network Room byte is 5.
IV.6.f Check Mail
The Normal Mail facility does not contain any provisions for checking
to see if Mail messages can be delivered to the designated recipients.
This command provides that facility. If the receiver chooses to accept
this command, it should send a GOOD byte, and then cycle through the Mail
messages already received from the caller. For each undeliverable message
the receiver should send back a byte and three strings which describe the
reason the Mail message cannot be delivered. The three strings, in the
order they should be sent, should contain the following information:
String 1: Author of the Mail> message.
String 2: Recipient of the Mail> message.
String 3: Error "context." This field should contain a message
describing (in English) something useful about the
error. Citadel-86 currently fills this with the date
and time of the message, suitable for sending to the
author of the failed message.
All three of these strings must be present. Any or all of the three,
however, may be of 0 length. None may exceed 20 characters in length
(including the 0 byte).
The values of the byte are:
NO_RECIPIENT 1 -- This reason indicates there is no such
recipient on the Receiver system. Note the
second string following this reason byte normally
contains the name of the unknown recipient.
BAD_FORM 2 -- This reason indicates there was no "To" field
in the message. Usually is a symptom of
programming error.
UNKNOWN 99 -- Something really* odd happened. The context
string (#3) should perhaps contain the number (on
the Caller system) of the message, so it may
be investigated later.
After all of the negative acknowledgements of Mail> have been sent
back, the receiver sends one more byte, which is called the NO_ERROR
byte. It indicates there are no more errors to be sent to the
transmitter. If there were no bad Mail messages in the first place, then
the only real data the receiver would return to the transmitter
would be the NO_ERROR byte. The value of the NO_ERROR byte is 0.
All negative acknowledgements, plus the NO_ERROR byte, are sent as a
single stream of data, not as separate ITL transfers!
The value of the Check Mail byte is 6.
IV.6.g Send File
This facility allows the sysop to send a file to another system.
There are three parameters associated with this request: The name of the
file the sender wishes to send to the receiver, and the size of the
file, first in terms of sectors (CP/M compatibility, if ever any CP/M
Citadels wish to join the net), and then in just bytes. (Remember, these
are really just ASCII strings.)
The file is sent only upon positive acknowledgement of this request.
However, it should not be assumed a negative response implies
the facility is not supported. Since the size of the file is sent along
with the request, the receiver may decline to receive the file due to
space considerations, but could receive a smaller file.
The value of the Send File byte is 7.
IV.6.h Alternate Room Sharing
This facility was motivated by the LD room sharing network, due to the
fact that a system willing to absorb the expense of sharing rooms
at LD may not be willing to support the additional costs occurring
from the role reversal command (for instance, very large files being sent
or requested by the receiving system).
This facility solves the above problem. Succinctly, it notifies the
receiving system the caller wishes to share the specified room. Upon
receiving a positive acknowledgement, the caller proceeds to send all
net messages destined for the receiver. When finished, the
receiver sends all net messages destined for the caller for the specified
room. This is most commonly used for C86Net routing.
Usually, messages from systems other than the two involved in the
network session will be passed to other systems using this Facility.
The value of the Alternate Room Sharing byte is 8.
IV.6.i Message Compaction
This facility allows an optional compaction of all messages transferred
during a network session, whether it be Mail, room sharing, or whatnot,
no matter which direction is selected. Such compaction serves to shorten
network sessions. When this facility is used and the receiver agrees to
it, all further message transfers will be compacted using the agreed upon
This facility has a single parameter, which is used to indicate which
type of compaction is to be used. More efficient methods can therefore
be added easily.
The only currently valid parameter value is:
"0" -- Compact messages using C-86 proprietary method.
The "0" compaction method is a low-efficiency method, more for testing
than for actual use. It only achieves 20-30% compaction in limited
testing. New methods will be added as whim takes us.
The value of the Message Compaction byte is 10.
IV.6.j Route Mail
C86Net RouteMail is triggered using this Facility Request. C86Net
RouteMail functions by passing Mail on from a Source system (the system
which generates a piece of Mail meant for another system to which the
system is not directly connected) to the Target system (the ultimate
target of said Mail) by asking each system in turn to send the Mail
meant for the Target. Included in this "request" is an optional "domain"
designator" which can be used by intervening systems as a hint as to
where the mail should be routed in order to reach its ultimate destination.
How each intervening system wishes to route the Mail onwards is up to the
system, whether it be via an implementor's extension or using C86Net
RouteMail. Citadel-86 systems, if they do not connect directly with a
given system, only know what system to ask to pass the Mail onwards, based
on the domain designation (if present) or the node id.
This Request currently has three parameters. The first parameter
of this Request is the Node ID of the system for which the Mail is
meant (which can be just " " if it's not known), the second parameter is
the Name of the system, and the third parameter is the domain of the
target system. Usually, the Node Id should be used for identifying the
target system, since the name of any system is not guaranteed to be the
same across all systems' nodelists, but if the domain is provided then it
can be used as a mechanism for getting the mail to a domain "server", and
then the server should be able to make a positive ID on the system and
deliver the Mail. If the receiving system can, or thinks it can, transfer
the Mail to the target system, it should reply GOOD. The sender should
then transfer the Mail to the receiver. If the receiver can not in good
conscience accept the Mail for delivery, it should reply BAD.
Note it is perfectly valid to not only encounter several Route
Mail requests during a network session, but to even receive more than
one with identical parameters during a network session.
The value of the Route Mail byte is 9.
IV.6.k Mass Transfers
This facility used to transfer nearly all the messages destined for
the receiving system in a selectable standard compressed format using
a selectable high speed protocol.
IV.6.k.1 Request Parameters
String 1: Identifies proposed compaction method. String definitions:
"1" - LHA
"2" - PKZIP
"3" - ZOO
"4" - SEA ARC
"5" - ARJ
String 2: Protocol Override Field. This allows specification of a protocol
other than the current default transmission protocol. Since we are now
sending a file, it should not be difficult to implement ZMODEM or other
fast protocol. NOTE: This protocol only applies to the actual file of
messages (in compacted form) that is transferred, not to any of the
bureaucratic overhead. String definitions:
"-1" - use current transmission protocol.
"0" - use XMODEM.
"1" - use YMODEM.
"2" - use WXMODEM.
"3" - use ZMODEM.
NOTE: The last four values are the same as used for Facility Request 100.
String 3: Message Format field. This field controls how the messages of
the various rooms are stored in the compressed file. This will allow the
controlled exploration of optimization of message transmission. The only
valid value (see below) at the moment does not represent the ultimate
optimization possible; for example, some experimentation reveals placing
all outgoing messages into a single files before compression may represent
a significant savings (due to internal file overhead savings). A single
example is the that an LZH file generated in the format currently used was
around 27K, while placing all outgoing messages into a single file before
compression resulted in a LZH file of about 25K, a savings of a bit more
than 2K. The same experiment with PKZIP revealed similar savings.
"0" - File per Room format. In this format the compressed file will
contain one file per room format. This format is detailed below.
No other values are currently supported.
String 4: Reserved. Please place an Ascii "-1" (i.e., strcpy(field, "-1")
in this field.
IV.6.k.2 Summary
This facility allows the combination of all normal room messages (that
is, excluding Mail and Mail Routing) are collected into one or more files,
compacted using standard compaction programs available on at least a few
varieties of computers, and transferred as one file, possibly using a
high-performance protocol such as Zmodem.
This facility requires some off-line message management in order to
minimize the amount of connect time actually used.
IV.6.k.2 Detailed Data Flow
See above for definitions of parameters of the initial facility request.
If a system cannot support a given combination, the other system may feel
free to attempt to use a different combination. However, if a new archived
file must be created, this may create unsightly delays. Administrative
procedures may have to be indulged in by sysops rather than having the
software attempt to negotiate a workable combination.
Once the receiving system accepts this facility request and accepts it,
the next transfer is of a file (called the Proposal File) detailing the
rooms the sender wishes to transfer. This is sent as a simple text file
(UNIX-style -- linefeed indicates end of line) using the usual network
protocol (NOT the protocol mentioned in parameter 2, above), in which each
pair of lines is a record. The first line of each pair is a room name the
caller wishes to transfer; the second is a filename (to be found in the
transferred archive file -- if such is appropriate, but the two field
record should still be used) that will contain the messages destined for
that room. A blank line indicates the end of list. A text file format
was selected both for simplicity of processing and of debug.
The receiving system now sends a file (again, using the network
protocol currently in effect, not the protocol mentioned above) back to
the sending system indicating what problems, if any, the receiver has.
This, too, is a text file, in which the first blank line of the text file
indicates end of text file (and of problem report). If the first line is
blank, then the proposal of the sender is acceptable.
But if the first line is NOT blank, then it should be the name of a
room the receiver does not wish to receive. Succeeding lines can contain
more rooms that it won't accept that were present in the proposal of the
sender. The sender can use this list to generate a new facility request,
although Citadel-86 itself will not attempt that.
Anyways, if the receiver refuses to receive one of the rooms, then this
facility is terminated at this point. If the receiver makes no complaints,
however, then the next step is to allow the sender up to two minutes to
prepare the compressed file. The sender indicates it is ready to proceed
by sending a single ACK to the receiver. The receiver should detect this
and immediately begin receiving the archive file (using the protocol
specified in String 2 of the facility request).
If the receiver never receives the ACK, at the end of two minutes it
should attempt to start its reception regardless. If the reception fails
then the network session should be deemed a failure and carrier dropped.
Once the reception of the mass transfer file is complete, one more
action must take place. Since external protocols are definitely
candidates for transfer links, we must be able to positively identify if a
file has been transmitted, yet not all external protocols can be depended
on telling the system if such has occurred. Therefore, the receiving
system should, once the file reception has finished (and no matter what
protocol is in use), check to see if the file actually was received and
send back a packet (using the normal network protocol currently in use) of
which only the first byte is significant. If the value of the byte is
GOOD, then the transfer was successful, if BAD then it was not successful.
Astute network developers will note this is the same packet used for
responding to Facility Requests (and thus should be exceedingly easy to
IV.6.k.2 File Format (String 3, option "0")
The file containing the messages will be an archive file containing one
or more files containing room messages to be integrated into the message
base of a given system. The exact format of the file depends on the
archive method negotiated by the systems (see above); the names of the
archived files and what rooms they relate to are entirely up to the
sender, although they should be restricted to DOS limitations. The
mapping of filename to room is contained in the proposal file.
IV.6.k.3 Errata
o Only one archive file per net session should be sent.
o Rooms can be sent both via archive file and normal room sharing
commands during a network session. Those sent via the archive file should
be assumed to be "earlier" (older) than those coming via the room sharing
facilities. This practice is not recommended, however.
o Rooms with zero length names cannot be sent using Mass Transfer.
o C86 will be caching normal room messages just before calling the
systems in question, or during the net session itself if the installation
is called, rather than after a user logs out, after a net session, etc.
This is due to the fact that sometimes inappropriate messages are left in
net rooms by users which need to be deleted. Management would be a
nightmare to handle message deletions if messages are cached at first
opportunity, so C86 will be doing it only during net times. Hopefully,
most installations using this option will be on h/w capable of caching
and compressing messages quickly.
Virtual rooms are immediately cached on receipt, however.
o As a later observation, it may become necessary to schedule a
"caching" event for caching systems just before they are expected to call
in. This will make transfers more efficient at the cost of doing a cache
before the net call begins -- that is, making us slightly vulnerable to
village idiots getting their messages into a cache file. Wise scheduling
will keep that window small enough not to matter.
IV.7 ITL Alternate Realities
These facilities are used to attempt to change transfer medium types
(communication protocols). When two systems begin a Network Session,
they should communicate via XMODEM. However, while XMODEM is fairly
reliable, it is a touch slow. Therefore, it may be worthwhile for
the two systems to attempt to switch from XMODEM to another protocol.
At this point we should point out this command does not fit
neatly into the ITL/AL layering. Formally, this command should be
confined to the ITL layer, without the AL layer knowing anything about
it. However, it has been decided this Facility Request will be
transmitted and received just like any other Facility Request, thus
impacting the AL.
Alright, enough of the nitpicking. This Facility Request has
one parameter connected with it, and it indicates which protocol the
transmitter wishes to switch to for ITL transfers. Whether or not
the receiver can use this protocol, neither system should switch
to the new protocol until the receiver has acknowledged the Facility
Request, whether it be negatively or positively. This allows one
system to request a protocol the receiver does not support without
mass confusion arising.
The four currently valid parameter values are:
"0" -- Indicates a request for XMODEM. (Superfluous.)
"1" -- Indicates a request for YMODEM.
"2" -- Indicates a request for WXMODEM.
"3" -- Indicates a request for ZMODEM. (not supported in C86.)
As indicated, the parameter values are really ASCII strings, not
binary data.
The value used for changing ITL transfer mediums is 100.
IV.8 Security
These facilities address security concerns on the network.
IV.8.a System Net Password
This facility provides a rough security system by allowing a string
designated to be a password to be sent by the caller to the receiver.
The protocol itself does not designate what a bad (or good) password
should mean to the receiving system; this is up to the implementors. As
an example, the implementor of Citadel-86 has made the following
decisions (this is [or should be] detailed in NETWORK3.MAN):
o If there is no password listed for this system, and none is sent, or a
zero-length password is sent, then the caller is assumed to be
validated, and all commands will be whole-heartedly executed.
o If the caller sends a password matching (non case-sensitive) with
the password the receiver has recorded for the caller, then the
caller is validated and all commands will be executed.
o If the caller sends an invalid password, then the receiver will do
nothing useful during role reversal, and will not respond positively
to role reversal requests.
Technically, this command is very simple. The caller sends the
command byte to the receiver, and the first parameter of the command byte
contains the password (<= 20 including terminating NULL). The receiver
ALWAYS responds positively, whether or not the password matches.
The value of the System Net Password byte is 202.
IV.9 Other Reserved Facility Byte Values.
Byte values 11 - 13 are reserved for STadel routing.
Before using any other byte values, please try to coordinate with
whomever else is implementing C86Net.
IV.10 Facilities -- Short List
Name | Byte Value | Description
---- | ---------- | -----------
Hangup | 0 | End a network session or role
| | reversal.
Error Code | 200 | Alternate error reporting (not
| | implemented on Citadel-86).
Role Reversal | 201 | Role reveral.
Normal Mail | 1 | Send Mail.
File Request | 2 | Request a File.
Ambiguous FR | 3 | Ambiguous File Request.
AFR w/ approval| 4 | Ambiguous File Request With Approval
| | (not implemented).
Network Room | 5 | Send messages from room to system.
Check Mail | 6 | Check Mail previously sent.
Send File | 7 | Send File to system.
Alt Room Net | 8 | Share room alternate system (routing).
Route Mail | 9 | Mail Routing
Message | 10 | Compact all messages during network
Compaction | | session
ITL change | 100 | Change ITL communication protocol.
System pwd | 202 | System password.
STadel | 11-13 | STadel
V. Minimal Compatability Requirements
In order for a system to be compatible with C86Net at a minimal level,
it must satisfy requirements at the ITL and AL levels.
At the ITL level, it must be able to call stabilize and use the XMODEM
style of transfer for all facilities supported at the AL level. This
includes the SYSTEM ID following call stabilization.
At the AL level, technically the minimum facility support you
need is only the Hangup facility (Section IV.5.a). However, that's
hardly useful, so a practical minimum would be the Hangup and Mail
VI. Anytime Netting
While this document was originally written to only address the behavior
of two C86Net-compatible systems during a network session, it seems
some brief mention of "anytime netting" might be appropriate in this
When C86Net was first implemented in Citadel-86, one of the design
decisions made was systems would communicate at a set time during
the nighttime hours in order to exchange messages and other data.
This, as it turns out, was a very simplistic decision, and when the
idea of "events" was introduced by David Parsons, they were immediately
seized upon as a way to allow multiple net sessions during a day. This
greatly expanded the flexibility of the network.
However, since most systems did not wish to take up daytime (i.e.,
"prime time") hours with static net sessions, delays in delivery of net
messages to other systems were still large, and with the network reaching
international proportions, forcing messages to traverse several
backbones to reach all systems, propagation delays were becoming
At that point, several groups indicated a great deal of interest in
"anytime netting", and several people implemented it. After some
unfortunately boneheaded delay, Citadel-86 has implemented it.
While the method of deciding when a net session is to be held between
systems is not part of the definition of C86Net, it would appear
anytime-netting is handy enough to be worth a short note. Basically, to
handle anytime-netting, a C86Net compatible system must be able to accept
a C86Net call during anytime of the day or night, and may optionally be
able to call out during the day to other selected C86Net systems.
Apparently (and this is rather tentative), the best method of detecting
a C86Net call is to scan the input for a binary 7 (the first byte of
stabilization) when a call is detected by a system. If a 7 is detected,
then the receiving system should stop output at once (if it has some form
of autobaud) and switch to network mode.
VII. Message Transfer Format
A C86Net message (like the original Citadel message format) consists
of a collection of C strings (ASCII text followed by a null byte). Each
of these strings is the value of some part of the message; precisely which
part is identified by the first byte of the string, and this byte is known
as the field identifier for this string.
Fields may come in any order, except the Message field text is the
last field of the message, and must always be present. Most other fields
of a message do not have to be present, but it is recommended that as
many as are practical be filled in, particularly the date, time, system
origin, and message number fields, since these may be used for 'vortex'
Any data following the null byte of the message field is considered
to be either garbage or part of the next message, if more than one message
has been sent.
VII.1 Field types
The fields of a C86Net message seem to fall into three categories,
displayable, non-displayable, and special. Fields which are 'displayable'
are generally fields of interest to the user, such as the author of the
message, the text of the message, etc.
Fields which are 'non-displayable' usually contain information useful
for housekeeping on the net.
The following sections cover all three types of fields in detail,
including suggested formats for data.
VII.1.a Displayable fields
As noted, these fields usually contain data of interest to the human
readers. Each field is treated separately. Normally there should only
be one instance of each field in a message; exceptions will be noted.
Message Author: Field identifier 'A' identifies an author field. This
field may be no more than 128 bytes (including the trailing null byte), and
should contain the name of the author of the message.
Message Date: Field identifier 'D' identifies a date field. This
field, limited to 20 bytes, should contain only the date when the message
was entered. Current standard format is yymmmdd, such as "89Jan01".
Note that by adhering to this format, and others like it, individual
software packages may more easily customize message headers when
displaying messages from foreign systems, and allow the foreign systems
to do likewise.
Message Time: Field identifier 'C' identifies a time field. This
field, limited to 20 bytes, should contain only the time the message was
entered. Current standard format is hh:mm <am | pm>, such as "12:44 pm".
System Origin: Field identifier 'N' identifies a system origin field.
This field, limited to 20 bytes, should contain the name (human readable)
of the system this message originated on. It is NOT recommended this
field be used for housekeeping purposes!
System Domain: Field identifier 'X' identifies the home domain of
the system. This field should only be filled in if domains are actually
implemented in your software, since other systems on the net will use
a combination of domain and system name to reply to net Mail.
Message Recipient: Field identifier 'T' identifies a To field.
This field, limited to 128 bytes, should contain the name of the recipient
of this mail message. Non-mail messages may contain 'T'o fields, too,
but delivery of such messages should not be expected (see Facility Request
1, above). Normally, this field is used to deliver network mail to users,
but see the 'w' field, below.
Other Recipients: Field identifier 'W' identifies an Other Recipient
("Who else?") field. This field, limited to 61 bytes, identifies a
recipient of Mail other than the primary recipient. It is not, however,
a field which should be used for Mail delivery by recipient systems; it
is transmitted purely for cosmetic reasons. See the 'w' field, below.
There may be more than one Other Recipient field in a message.
OtherNet Address: Field Identifier 'P' identifies an "OtherNet
Address". This is a free form string which is used to form addresses
of use to other networks, such as USENET, FidoNet, etc. This is filled
in by users sending Mail to systems on other nets, and can also contain
"return address" information for messages coming in from other Nets.
Message Text: Field identifier 'M' identifies a message text field.
This field is currently limited to 7499 bytes, but this is an artificial
limit and should be done away with someday. This text should be in
normal Citadel format, except all Carriage Returns should become
Line Feeds during transmissions (for obscure historical reasons).
VII.1.b Non-Displayable fields
System ID: Field identifier 'O' identifies a system id field. The
system id field, limited to 20 bytes, identifies a system at program
level. This field should be used for any housekeeping purposes which
involve identifying other systems. The current format of the data of
this field is traditional Citadel system id, e.g., "US 612 431 1107",
since this is a relatively static value for most systems -- far more
static than the 'N' field has turned out to be.
Room ID: Field identifier 'R' identifies a room name field. This
field, limited to 20 bytes, is the name of the 'room' in which this
message originated. Some systems may find this field cramped ...
Message ID: Field identifier 'S' identifies a message id field. This
field, limited to 20 bytes, contains the message number assigned to this
message by the originating system. NOTE: the format of this data is
special. It is "<high 16 bits><space><low 16 bits>", where the first
number is the high 16 bits of the message id in decimal, and the second
number is the low 16 bits of the message id in decimal. For example,
if a message had id 4099, it would appear in the 'S' field as "0 4099".
This special format is retained for possible backward compatability with
CP/M versions of Citadel ... which are still in use and threatening to
network, believe it or not!
Recipient Override: Field identifier 'w' (different from 'W', above)
identifies a Recipient Override field. 'w' fields, of which there may
be multiple instances in a message, should appear only in net Mail
messages. When they are present in a message, they OVERRIDE the 'T'o
field of the message; that is, the message of which they are part of
should be delivered to the person named in each 'w' field, and the person
named in the 'T'o field should be ignored insofar as Mail delivery goes.
For example, if a message was received during Facility Request 1 which
had 3 'w' fields within it, with values of "Jocko", "Moo Cow", and
"Jack the Snipper", then the message should be placed in the Mail of
those three users, and not to whomever was named in the 'T'o field.
'w' fields may be up to 45 bytes long (although only 20 bytes really
makes sense). 'w' fields are creatures of the net; there should be no
reason to save them in your message base.
Target System: Field identifier 't' identifies a Target System. This
field, limited to 20 bytes at the moment, if present will contain the
name of the system this piece of Mail is targeted for. This field is
purely a creature of the net and should not need to be saved in message
bases, but only in temporary files. At the moment, Citadel-86 is using
this field for internal purposes only, involving OtherNet integration.
Other software need not expect this field in Mail messages.
VII.1.c Special Fields
There are two sorts of special fields. The first are those reserved
for STadel use by David Parsons, and those field identifiers are 'Z',
'J', 'I', and '#'.
The second type of special field are those identifiers reserved for
other C86Net developers. As the net has grown, become more popular, and
endured childish squabbles as poor programming practices and large egos
clashed, Mark Metson, developer of the Knotwork software, noted the lack
of communication and devised a scheme to allow further development of
C86Net to proceed while protecting developers from each other. His
modified proposal has been incorporated into C86Net, and it essentially
consists of assigning to each 'major' developer a field identifier which
they may use for their own work. All other developers are asked not to
use these identifiers for their own purposes.
At first it may seem a single identifier is rather inadequate,
but actually it need not be. Since the developer is assigned the field
identifier for their exclusive use, they may use it as they like, so
long as they remember it must be treated just like any other field
identifier in that a NULL byte still constitutes an "End of Field" mark.
The first idea which comes to mind is to use the second byte of the field
as a "SubField Identifier", for the developer's own purposes. There may
be other ways of using it, as well. In any case, it should be apparent
the exclusive use of a single identifier should be more than
adequate for a developer's needs.
There is no requirement for one developer to carry or save another
developer's fields on the network.
VII.1.d Developer's Fields Assignments
In keeping with the Citadel tradition of using ASCII for field
identifiers, the following assignments have been made to known developers
who are involved, or thought to be involved, with the net. If you are
not listed here and wish to be, please contact Hue, Jr. or his successors
for an assignment. (For those confused by flawed documentation distributed
by K2NE, K2NE never has been and never will be Hue, Jr.'s successor in
this matter.)
Identifier Assigned to Software
---------- ----------- --------
'0' David Parsons STadel
'1' Jay Johnson Amiga Citadel-68k
'2' Hue, Sr. NeoCitadel
'3' farokh irani Citadel-286
'4' Gary Meadows/BKB Asgard-86
'5' Mark Metson Knotwork
'6' K2NE K2NE
'7' elim & Mr. Neutron <fnord>adel
'8' cmc Fortress
'9' b0b b0badel
Mark Metson's scheme, at least at this point, appears to constitute a
very good way to avoid clashes in field identifiers in the future.
Therefore, developers are asked not to trample outside their assigned
identifiers without coordinating with other C86Net developers. Citadel-86
remains the primary C86Net developer so long as Hue, Jr. continues to
VII.2 Special Fields becoming Standard Fields
The fields detailed above, with the exception of the "developers'
fields", constitute a 'standard' collection of fields. Not all standard
fields need be supported by a system, of course.
A field devised by a developer may eventually become a standard field
if it displays a wide enough appeal amongst the developers. Unilateral
grabbing of fields is frowned upon deeply with the advent of developers'
fields. The transformation from a developer's special field to a standard
field will no doubt require negotiation, biting of fingernails, etc. etc.
Due to the anarchic nature of the net, there can be no "final arbiter" on
matters such as these; instead, developers are asked to behave in a
responsible and respectful manner. The actual procedures for adding a
developer's field (and thus functionality) to the standard set will be
developed when, and if!, needed.
VII.3 Other Additions to the Standard Fields
Hue, Jr. of Citadel-86 reserves the right to add new fields to the
standard set at any time. Since Mark Metson's scheme should protect
all developers from each other, this should not disrupt any other
developer who follows the rules.
VII.4 Identifier Summary
Identifier Data Max Length
---------- ---- ----------
'A' Author of current message. 128
'C' Time message was written. 20
'D' Date on which message was written. 20
'J' STadel reserved
'I' STadel reserved
'M' Message text, all CRs changed to Line 7499, should not
Feeds. be limited,
'N' Name of system which message was 20
written on.
'O' ID of system which message was written 20
on (i.e., "US 612 470-9635").
'P' OtherNet address 128
'Q' C-86 reserved (inadvertently forgotten)
'R' Room which message was originally 20
written in.
'S' Message ID on source system, in old 20
CP/M Citadel 8-bit style (i.e., 32 bit
number split into two 16 bitters. See
below in the example).
'T' Recipient of message (normally for 128
private Mail).
'W' Secondary recipient field. 45
'X' Domain of system originating message 20
'Z' STadel reserved
't' Target System identifier (OtherNet) 20
'w' Recipient override field.
'Z' STadel reserved ??
'J' " "
'I' " "
'#' " "
'0' David Parsons identifier field variable
'1' Jay Johnson identifier field
'2' Hue, Sr. identifier field
'3' farokh irani identifier field
'4' Gary Meadows/BKB identifier field
'5' Mark Metson identifier field
'6' K2NE identifier field
'7' elim/Mr. Neutron identifier field
'8' cmc (Fortress) identifier field
'9' b0b (b0badel) identifier field
In the above table, the MAX LENGTHS include the NULL byte.
VII.5 An example
So, a message on Test System (nodeId US 612 470 9635, nodeName 'C86
Test System', domain 'MN') in room CitaNews) that looks like this:
86Feb01 @ 10:01 from John Flash @ C-86 Test System _ MN
This is a test.
with a message ID of 5644 might look like this during transmission on
the net:
D86Feb01<0>C10:01<0>S0 5644<0>NC-86 Test System<0>OUS 612 470
9635<0>AJohn Flash<0>RCitaNews<0>XMN<0>MThis is a test.<LF><0>
Clear as mud, right?
Appendix A. Examples!
The following are examples for selected facilities, in order to
illuminate what may be otherwise very bewildering examples. Not all
of the facilities are covered.
Many of the facilities will show examples at two levels: a high level
displaying the "file" flow used, and a low level view examining the
contents of certain data and control packets. Throughout the examples,
the term "file" means an XMODEM session is completed, starting with block
#1 and ending with block N and an EOT. This may be an actual file being
transferred, as will happen with File Requests, or it may mean a series
of messages being transmitted, which may or may not be stored as a file,
depending on the implementation, or it may refer to control information
(such as a Facility Request), which again could be stored as a file on
disk, or stored in a temporary RAM buffer.
The abbreviation FR stands for Facility Request below. In all cases
below, unless otherwise noted, it assumes all Facility Requests are
positively acknowledged.
A.1 Call Stabilization
The following illustrates a call in which the first attempt at call
stabilization fails because the receiver, a 300/1200 system which cannot
directly detect the baud of the caller, started looking at 300 baud, while
the caller is at 1200.
<The systems connect!>
<7><13>69> --> receives garbage, switches to 1200 after
4 seconds
Times out at 4
<7><13>69> --> Receives sequence
Gets confirmation <-- <~7><~13><~69>
<ACK> --> Receives ACK
A.2. ID & Name
From a high level, caller identification flow control is very simple.
== <file> ==>
The length of file in this case should never exceed a single XMODEM
sector. The contents should look like this:
<C-string: nodeId><C-string: node name><trash>
Suppose the node name of a system was Dandelion Wine, and the node id
was US 612 732 4419. Then the ID & Name "file" would contain
US 612 732 4419<0>Dandelion Wine<0><irrelevant trash>
A.3. Normal Mail
At a high level, here is the sequence of file transfers.
== file: FR == >
<== file: GOOD ==
== file: Mail> messages == >
At a low level, the file: FR should only have a length of one sector
(as should all FRs), containing:
<1><0><126 bytes of irrelevant trash>
The file: GOOD should contain the following:
<1><127 bytes of trash>
This is all a GOOD reply should ever contain, so we shall not
explain it again. Refer to Appendix A for an explanation of the
appearance of file: Mail> messages.
A.4. Ambiguous Room File Requests
Here is the high level view of this facility:
== file: FR == >
<== file: GOOD ==
<== file: File #1 header ==
<== file: File #1 ==
<== file: File #n header ==
<== file: File #n ==
<== file: File header with empty string ==
For a low level examination, let's assume the Caller asked for
*.doc in a room called Whatever>. The file: FR would then contain
<3>Whatever<0>*.doc<0><0><irrelevant trash>
Now let's suppose the RECEIVER has decided the files SEX.DOC
and GARBAGE.DOC match with *.doc in Whatever>, with sizes of 100,909 and
32,555 bytes. File #1 header would contain
SEX.DOC<0>789<0><irrelevant trash>
while File #1 itself would be the contents of SEX.DOC. File #2 header
would contain
GARBAGE.DOC<0>255<0><irrelevant trash>
while File #2 would be the contents of GARBAGE.DOC. File #3 header,
since no more files need to be sent, would contain
<0><irrelevant trash>
and that would constitute the end of this Facility.
A.5 Network Room
From a high level viewpoint, this Facility looks like this:
== file: FR == >
<== file: GOOD ==
== file: messages == >
The contents of the FR for a room named Philosophy would be
<5>Philosophy<0><0><irrelevant trash>
A.6 Check Mail
From a high level viewpoint, this Facility looks like this:
== file: FR ==>
<== file: GOOD ==
<== file: acknowledgements ==
The content of the FR would simply be
<6><0><irrelevant trash>
Let's look at the example that all the Mail messages transferred
earlier could be delivered. The content of file: acknowledgements
would then be
<0><irrelevant trash>
which would result in a single sector being returned to the transmitter.
Now let's suppose two Mail messages could not be delivered. One was
addressed to Curly, while the other was addressed to Moe, both from
Mikey. Then the file: acknowledgements would contain
<1>Mikey<0>Moe<0>87Oct08 @ 4:04<0><1>Mikey<0>Curly<0>87Oct07
@ 23:13<0><0><irrelevant trash>
A.7 Send File
From a high level viewpoint, this Facility looks like this:
== file: FR ==>
<== file: GOOD ==
== file: file ==>
The contents of the FR for a file named GURGLE.NOT, size 13,934 bytes,
would be
<7>GURGLE.NOT<0>109<0>13934<0><0><irrelevant trash>
A.8 Alternate Room Sharing
From a high level viewpoint, this Facility looks like this:
== file: FR ==>
<== file: GOOD ==
== file: messages ==>
<== file: messages ==
For a room named Horse Trading, the FR would look like
<8>Horse Trading<0><0><irrelevant trash>
The file: messages would be the messages to be sent from the
transmitter to the receiver, first, and then from the receiver to the
Appendix B. BBS Software compatible with C86Net
The following BBS packages are known to be at least minimally
compatible with C86Net. Consult their documentation to find out how
many facilities each supports.
Name Home base Number Baud rates
---- --------- ------ ----------
Citadel-86 C-86 Test System (612) 470-9635 3/9600 (HST)
NeoCitadel Free Lunch (612) 431-1107 3/12/24
STadel No longer supported per se.
Amiga Citadel-68k Images (612) 884-7951 3/12/24
Asgard-86 Hotel (916) 927-7680 3/12/24
Novucivitas Novu (916) ???-???? ????
<fnord>adel Secret Service (403) 425-1779 300/1200/2400
Fortress Overmind (???) ???-???? 3/12/24/(PEP)
Citadel-86e Electronic New York (914) 735-9362 300/1200/2400
b0badel Interface (???) ???-???? 300/1200/2400
K2NE Jersey Devil (???) ???-???? ????
Appendix C. Main C86Net
Most of the homebase systems listed in Appendix B participate in
what may best be termed the main C86Net, to which all systems are invited
to participate in.